
A little trip to the hospital

As you all know from this post Monty had his tonsills and adenoids out last week, his ears thoroughly drained and he became the owner of some grommets.

He was so brave and coped so well with the lead up to his operation that I have to admit to being a teeny bit proud of lil legs.

He chilled out with the Peppa Pig hospital episode on his TV, and checked out the gas mask that the anaesthetist would be using

When it came to the op itself he took the transport provided by the hospital to travel in style down the corridors

It's been pretty horrible for him since the op, it's too difficult for him to understand why he's feeling like this. He was hysterical for over two hours after coming round from the anaesthetic. And has bouts of sobbing uncontrollably. It's kind of breaking my heart a bit.

I just have to keep telling myself that the really really poorly ones don't make any sound and to be thankful that he is letting us know that he is MIGHTILY PEED OFF!

Massive thanks to all the staff that looked after my boy at The Royal Alexandra Children's hospital in Brighton. They did a fantastic job and continue to do a fantastic job. I have so much respect for anyone who looks after tiny poorly people.

So there we go, all done.
(insert massive Mummy sigh)


  1. I hope he imporaved soon and that it makes a great big difference

  2. Glad the op was a success. Hope he feels better soon!

  3. Aww, poor poorly Mo. So glad he's on the mend though. It will all be worth it when you start seeing an improvement in his overall health and the past week will be a distant memory. Xx

  4. I'm so glad the operation went well and he's on the mend lovely - its such a very stressful time! I'm sure though it will make a massive difference and save him from suffering loads of ear and throat infections :)

  5. Ah, poor little man! My son had grommets fitted a couple of years a go so I can sympathise.Sending a big hug x

  6. Very well written. I like it very much.
