
Enhance paediatric first aid training review

Disclosure : I was given the opportunity to do this course for free in exchange for a review on my blog.

It is every parents nightmare  for their child to get ill. The thought of your baby stopping breathing or starting to choke is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end.

So the best thing we can do is not spend time worrying about it, but to prepare for how you would handle such an event should it occur.

Enhance first aid services  booked me onto the 12 hour paediatric first aid course. It took place over 2 Saturdays or it is available as an evening course over a longer period.

It costs £65 and at the end of the course you do both a practical exam and a multiple choice paper. If these are passed the you are a certified first aider. This qualification lasts for 3 years and then must be re taken to remain certified and up to speed with current best practice as medical procedures change.

The course was informative and covered:

Allergic reactions
Head injury
Hypothermia and heat stroke
and sprains and strains

It was taught in a very hands on way and was easy to digest and understand.

The over all thing for me was the confidence I  now feel in the event of an emergency. Despite having done paediatric first aid before I had always worried at the implications of doing it wrong.

CPR in particular. But very plainly put if a child has stopped breathing they are DYING. If their heart has stopped they are technically DEAD.You cannot make them more DEAD but you can save their life by administering those rescue breaths and chest compressions. The worry here is breaking a child's (or adults for that matter) ribs but better to be alive after receiving CPR and with damaged ribs than dead with the ribs intact.

Sorry to put it so bluntly but it really hit it home to me what a valuable skill first aid is, not just as a nursery nurse but as a parent too.

If you have no idea what to do in an emergency should it arise then read up or do a course. It could just be the most valuable lesson you have ever learnt.

These are my views and experience of my first aid training. Training should always be given by a first aid specialist.

(Oh, and by the way I PASSED!)


  1. Great review - any links to the organisation you can share so we can sign up also?

  2. Hi if you click on enhance first aid that will take you to the site

  3. Amazing Post....

    I really appreciate this....Because we really don't know when emergency will occur and when it required...

    Thank you for this important post.. i wait for your next one..

  4. First aid tips especially when shared by paramedics -- focus on emergency situations and procedures. It's all about how to react when blood is spurting, parts are missing or breathing has stopped.

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  6. Hey my friends I tell you some tips. he one day practical component commences with a theory based session of basic first aid principals, then the remainder of the day consists of practical demonstration and training on bandaging, bleeding, trauma management, cardiac arrest and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Response), plus a range of associated topics.
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  7. Nice post! It is key to have no less than one first aider in each movement in an industry so any sort of mischances could be treated quickly and life might be safeguarded. Thanks for giving us information..

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  8. Claire Currie, a Midlands based Dominatrix originally from Illinois in the USA who is active in the underground Fetish Sex scene specializing in aggression towards men and services such as financial domination who goes under the alias of Dita_Von_W_Lash.
    Claire Currie a Midlands based underground Sex Dominatrix is at it again, this time posing as a Strong Woman and Nurse, Claire Currie who is also known as ‘Dita Von W Lash’ will attend your course claiming to want to be a trainer and learner but will Viciously turn on you after and make complaints that are unfounded.

  9. It costs £65 and at the end of the course you do both a practical exam and a multiple choice paper. If these are passed the you are a certified first aider.

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  10. Thanks for the share wonderfull information keep it up
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